Field day fun with ornithology

Our 3-day ornithology course was another hit, and here is just one of the reviews to prove it submitted by Murray Christman:


THANK YOU John and Marc-Andre again for three great days of advanced birding, and for all that you shared with us to propel us as students to a higher level of skill in the art and science of birding.

Even before wrapping up our current training with you both yesterday class members were asking each other “When can we do this again?” I can’t think of a better or more fitting statement on the quality of your instruction.

It was perceptive, powerful and drawn from your individual wells of knowledge, experience, and personal connection with all things BIRDS.

THANK YOU so much to CMI’s Hailey Ross as well for your role in ensuring the event’s success, through your organizational skills, for your regular updates and directions, for welcoming participants to the course, and for fueling us with excellent and soul-satisfying brunches and snacks. Your efforts were very much appreciated.

Much obliged to each of you!!


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  • P.O. Box 2568
  • Revelstoke, British Columbia V0E 2S0
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