2019 Annual Researchers’ Forum

  • Start Date: October 18, 2019
  • End Date: October 18, 2019
  • Time: 9am
  • City: Golden BC
  • Venue: Golden Seniors Centre, 1401 9th St. S., Golden, BC V0A 1H0


Event Description

Every year CMI members get together to provide updates on their projects such as local research, field trials, new initiatives in southeastern British Columbia, etc. This event ‘travels’ around the Columbia Mountains area to small communities to give us a chance to catch up on each others’ news. It’s an informal atmosphere and non-CMI members are encouraged to join us!

The 2019 Researchers’ Forum was in Golden BC on Friday, October 18.  We had a morning of presentations, a delicious lunch catered by Bacchus Books, an afternoon of field trips and an opportunity to socialize the night before and the afternoon proceeding the event.

Event summary is here


Presenter List


Adapting Landscapes to a Changing Climate: Kootenay Carbon-Silviculture Project, Deb MacKillop, MSc., Research Ecologist for the Kootenay Boundary Region; and Amanda Asay, MSc, PhD candidate, University of British Columbia

Assisted Migration Adaptation Trial (AMAT), Scott King, BSc, RPF, Louisiana Pacific Canada Ltd.

Using thinning and prescribed burning to mitigate wildfire risk and improve ecological integrity in the greater Okanagan region, John Davies, MSc, Frontline Operations Group

Providing insight into current bird research taking place  in the Columbia Wetlands, Rachel Darvill, BSc, MSc, RPBio, Goldeneye Ecological Services

Habitat enhancement recommendations following an assessment of ungulate winter range on the Golden District Rod and Gun Club woodlot, Doug Adama, BSs, LGL Ltd.

Seeing the unseen: using eDNA to revise Rocky Mountain tailed frog range in British Columbia, Ian Adams, MSc, RPBio, Larix Ecological Consulting (Presenter), and J Hobbs, MSc, RPBio, Ecological Consulting, Ltd.

Liparis loeselii, the yellow wide lip orchid in the Golden area, Bryan Kelly-McArthur, retired

Minimizing impact of the Phase 4 Kicking Horse Canyon Highway 1 upgrade on a herd of Bighorn sheep living within the construction zone, Jeremy Ayotte, BSc,  MSc, Phyla Biological Consulting and BC Sheep Separation Program Coordinator

Spatial Distribution of Biodiversity Knowledge, and Species Reintroduction Opinions in the United Kingdom, Rajdeep Grewal, MSc.



Upper Columbia Basin Groundwater Monitoring Program, Carol Luttmer, Consultant: Living Lakes Canada

Canadian Columbia Basin Aquatic Invasive Species Partnerships and Collaboration, Robyn Hooper, Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society

Canadian Columbia Basin Terrestrial Invasive Species Partnerships and Collaboration, Robyn Hooper, Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society


Field Trips:

Moberly Marsh Bird Walk

  • Hosted by: Rachel Darvill, RPBio, Goldeneye Ecological Services (~2.5hr round trip from the Golden Seniors Centre)
  • Rachel Darvill and Verena Shaw will lead a field trip along the dike at Moberly Marsh to see what birds can be found at Moberly Marsh/Burgess and James Gadsden Provincial Park.  Moberly Marsh is an eBird hotspot and birds can be found with high diversity during fall migration, including  rare birds such as the Surf Scoter and Short-eared Owl.  Rachel will speak to two bird research programs that she has been running in the Columbia Wetlands for the past 4-5 years, the Marsh Bird Monitoring Project and the Columbia Wetlands Waterbird Survey. See here for driving route.


Mustelid Habitat Creation

  • Hosted by: Scott King, BSc, RPF , Louisiana Pacific Canada Ltd. (~2.5hr round trip from the Golden Seniors Centre)
  • Mammalian response to windrows of woody debris within clearncuts/Planting forests adapted to climate change (Assisted Migration Adaptation Trial). Forest harvesting that leaves woody debris on the forest floor could be piled to create habitat for small mammals and mustelid predators. The hypothesis that woody debris arranged in windrows or small connecting piles increases the abundance of the major vole species and the total abundance, species richness and species diversity of the forest floor small mammal community. Field trip will take place in the Blaeberry area.




  • Phone 250-837-9311
  • Fax 250-837-9311
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Mailing Address

  • P.O. Box 2568
  • Revelstoke, British Columbia V0E 2S0
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