CMI Event Summaries, YouTube Channel and more

A conference or event summary is prepared for each major CMI event. These are compilations of the abstracts and text summaries provided by our presenters. You can find them in the Past Events section or you can browse through the list of event summaries below to find the link to the free PDF download. Note: information in the conference summaries is not peer reviewed.

We have also begun to record some of the presentations hosted by CMI and you can find these on our YouTube channel here and via the CRED Talks link below.

Most of the proceeding documents listed on this page can also be found on EcoCat: the Province of BC’s Ecological Reports Catalogue. EcoCat provides access to reports on ecological activities in British Columbia, plus related files such as maps, datasets and published inventories when available. Subject areas include: aquatic species and habitats, terrestrial species and habitats, floodplain mapping, reservoirs, ground water and vegetation.

The list of resources here is long! Search this page for keywords like “Fish,” “Incidental Take,” “caribou,” “roads,” etc. help you find what you are looking for.

Annual Researchers’ Forum Summaries:


Wetland Classification Course

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  • Revelstoke, British Columbia V0E 2S0
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